Connect your phone to the computer using USB Data cable. Now, power off your Nokia 2.4, hold both volume up and volume down simultaneously. At this point, do not click on the Download button on SP Flash tool. Follow this procedure carefully step by step. Flashing this phone is not business as usual like the way you flash other MTK phones. Also read: How to Flash Safaricom Neon Ray and Fix Boot mode/Stuck on Fastboot Issues. After loading the Nokia TA 1270 scatter file, proceed to step 4. There are only two partitions needed and included in the file. Am assuming you know how to use it and you have technical knowledge in mobile phone flashing. I don’t want to go into a detailed explanation on how to use SP Flash tool. Load the scatter file from the Nokia 2.4 M-Kopa reset file folder. Extract the zip file on your computer and install the libusb drivers then start the tool. File, you will need a tool that will help bypass the authentication since this phone is a secure bootloader phone. This tool will help you bypass the authentication security since this phone will require auth file to flash the above. Now, after downloading the Nokia 2.4 reset files from step 1 above and extracted, you also need to download another tool called MTK bypass tool. This Zip file is very small, less than 2mbs. After you have downloaded the Nokia TA 1270 M-Kopa Reset files, Extract the zip file on your computer. You can Download the Nokia TA 1270 M-Kopa Reset files from the link provided here. These are the files that you are going to unlock this phone with. The first step towards unlocking this phone is to first get the Nokia TA 1270 M-Kopa reset files.