This page is full of Multiplication time tables worksheets from 1 to 100 times table that are suitable for all students.Click on below Icons to see other math times table individually. Students can generate 1 to 12 Multiplication TimeTables chart and worksheet for learning and practice basic math timetables. What is Multiplication? Multiplication is a mathematical operation to calculate repeated additions of two numbers. There is no real trick for learning the 12 Times table, but this table is not really difficult because, as it is a multiple of 12, it is fairly easy to calculate the results in your head.Multiplication Times Tables Chart 1 to 12Įach printable math times table is designed with the funny colourful theme.Click the below button to Download. When the sum of the 2 digits is greater than 10: idem but you have to add 1 to the first digit! When the sum of the 2 digits is less than 10: When you multiply a 2-digit number by 11: you space the 2 digits of the number and in the middle you insert the sum of these 2 digits. There is a simple rule that allows you to find the result without calculating it. The rule of the 10 Times table applies: A number multiplied by 10 is always equal to the number followed by a zero:

The number by which we multiply 11 is doubled: Tricks for the 11 Times table From 11x1 up to 11x9

Note: There is no need to color the cells corresponding to the 1 and 10 times table because the results are very easy and you will not need to learn them by heart!įind all the Tricks to learn your times tables from 1 up to 10. Indeed, the result of 3x2 is equal to the result of 2x3, it is therefore useless to learn both, when you know the first, you find the second.

3x2, belongs to the 2 times table, so color it using the color of the 2 times table. To create a personalized chart with your favorite colors, print our Black and White Multiplication Chart and let's get out your felt pens! Follow our coloring tips below:įor example: If you assign the green to the number 3, you will have to color in green the following cells: 3x3, 3x4, 3x5, 3圆, 3x7, 3x8, 3x9 (horizontal line) as well as 4x3, 5x3, 6x3, 7x3, 8x3, 9x3 (vertical line). To save time, choose a Multiplication Chart Color-coded from our Printable multiplication Charts. To make the learning of the multiplication tables easier for you, the ideal is to colour the chart by assigning a different colour to each table.