How to become a member of prodigy for free
How to become a member of prodigy for free

You'll get reported! This report shows you how many math questions students are answering and where! This even includes a co-teaching option in which multiple teachers can work within the same dashboard. Then, go back upstairs and do the same thing you did to rescue Florian.

how to become a member of prodigy for free

The information you receive from your parent dashboardand reportswill show you where your child is performing well and where they could use more practice., If you see your child is struggling with specific skills or subjects, you can do a few things to help. PLEASE HELP!!!! This handy-dandy tutorial will guide your way to have a lot of adventures, cool, rare, and powerful pets, and much more fun!Hit the like button and please co. Please subscribe because I am close to hitting 150 subscribers.

How to become a member of prodigy for free